A program for the woman who...
Is ready to have a steady + constant stream of soul-aligned humans filling your dm's and inbox who are ready to buy.
Is ready to elevate your message and brand to become a highly-sought out $6-Figure++ business.
Wants to align your offers + business structure so everything sells all of the time whether you're on or not and especially when you're sleeping.
The Six-Figure Year is my signature group coaching program to master the marketing + sales methods required to make $20k months your new normal...
(not just a one time thing)
while building an elevated brand that leaves people thinking 'I need to work with her' and leaves you with an inbox full of soul clients asking...
'How can I pay you?!'
If you've been feeling like...
• People aren't reaching out as frequently as you'd like...
• You need 1:1 to fund your business + you're over having a packed calendar...
• People only buy when you're launching and you're ready for $10k+ reoccurring monthly
• You constantly need to be 'on', launching, running ads or doing free calls to make money
• You're putting out content but it's not generating the number of sales you'd like
• You're ready to stop rushing around doing a million things + start moving at your pace
• It's time to get paid + make money every day even when you're not even working
You're reading this right now because you're ready to...
Elevate your brand to become a highly-sought out and in demand business
Be intentional about your offers, start selling simply + let your marketing and messaging do most of the work for you
Starting selling out offers without even mentioning them publicly + having things sell simply behind the scenes
Feel the power of a group of women who think like you do + support your biggest vision
Wake up clear, inspired & connected to your biggest vision having built the structure to serve millions and make millions at the same time
Stop hearing 'you're too expensive' + have people start paying your rates without hesitation
Sound too good to be true?
Let's ask the women in the program now...
"I came to you only making money with four big launches a year. Now I have those big launches AND $7k a month coming in monthly. It makes launching way less stressful and I'm up %33 year over year."
- Alex (yoga entrepreneur)
"In one year applying these methods I've tripled my income while simultaneously scaling back on how much I work. I truly feel like I mastered simple sales + marketing to show-up anytime to literally make money on demand."
- Kristina (feng-shui practitioner)
Here's what you can expect
• People consistently reaching out + offers always selling
• People paying your rates without hesitation (no more hearing you're too expensive)
• Offers that feel fun to run + has money on the books months into the future
• Your offers beginning to sell other offers naturally
• You're more relaxed and able to enjoy your life + business, now
• A diversified offer suite that allows you to serve millions + make millions
• Business and money to feel safe + predictable
The Six-Figure Year
6 Month Group Coaching Program
• 2 Group Coaching Calls a Month
(this program in ongoing + you can join anytime)
• My eyes on your content + copy with weekly copy review
• Q+A support in-between calls inside a private community
• Access to all micro-offers + trainings
I run during your time in the program
Two 60-minute live group coaching calls a month for 6 months​
- Q&A's, trainings and support with every aspect of your business
Calls will begin with a short meditation and breathing exercise
Mindset + meditation modules to support you in selling simply
Get coached in real time by me
Access to EVERY micro-mastery offer I've ran in the past + every one I offer live during your time in the program. Programs like:
Email funnels that make you money
Digital offers that make you money
Stories that make you money
Messaging that makes you money
You'll receive my Daily Money Shift Journal + Signature Energetics program Activating Abundance
Increase in money & clients flowing in out of nowhere
Feeling better about the money you do have and allowing yourself to receive like never before
No longer living in scarcity mode inside your business or taking on un-aligned clients just to make money
Inspired actions in your life and business that create easier than normal results
• 2 Group Coaching Calls a Month
(this program is always running + you can join anytime)
• My eyes on your content + marketing with weekly copy review submission
• Q+A support in-between calls in a private community
• Access to every micro-mastery offer I run during your time in the program​
• Access to past trainings including
Stories That Make You Money + Activating Abundance